Spread love on holiday #RISEontour

Stick, snap, tag and win art. 

Over the last two years, people have sent us pictures of RISE stickers from all over the world. The locations vary - some from perfectly framed images in idyllic settings such as Bali, America, India, Japan and Australia. Some less exotic, like the guy who sent us a pic of the RISE Our Might jar sticker slapped on the side of a broken condom machine in Benidorm

It has become an unofficial sport amongst RISE followers, spreading the love and rebelling on holiday.

Let’s make it official. Welcome to #riseontour game. 

From 6th August 23:59 until 21st 23:59 September 2018, we are inviting people to post their holiday snaps with RISE stickers and the hashtag #riseontour. The best ones will be chosen by the RISE and a public vote taken between 23rd - 30th September 2018. 

sticker pack.jpeg

The eventual winner with the most votes will have bragging rights of #riseontour champ. They'll also have a one of a kind custom made RISE trophy and their choice of an art print or T shirt (worth £25). There will also be runner up prizes of other RISE supplies.

To take part, all you need are stickers, you can get these from:

  • RISE store

Then simply:

  • Stick

  • Take a picture

  • Tag us in it with #riseontour on instagram or Facebook

You are the artist. No limit to the number of entries. The more creative the photo, the better!

Let the games begin!

Dead cherub small stamp.png

The £16.20 piece of toast at Newport Food Festival


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